Wednesday 23 January 2008

Poems by Daryl Hennix

Knocking On Heaven's Door

The Day St.Gabriel blows his horn
And the fallen arise from their graves.
When the ears of the saved will ring
In recognition;
Every nation one in the same.

When the sun shines so bright
The moon is no longer known to
Mankind and the eyes of the demons
Melt away,

No shadows to cast or caverns to explore;
Every soul stood to attention.
Sinners called from their caves to
Be held accountable for their ways,
The Wicked close to follow.

And one by one we're held accountable,
Each sin spelled word for word.
Some granted entry others only teased
At the idea, prior to facing
Their fate

When it is me who stands before Peter at the gates
Of eternity, fists clenched of past wrongdoings,
And St.Peter asks me of my heart;
Have I loved enough?
Have I let love and if I used the gifts given?

Have I sinned too much?
Made others sin, or
Stood blind to obvious wrong doings?
With no one else for me to cast blame;
No friends or family by my side

Angel eyes witness my doubt, no words,
Or muscles to move;

All I can do is plead ... Please


The Entryway

Standing at the entryway ...

Waiting for the next calm
To tame the Vodka storm.
My wandering mind
Lost in an alcoholic
Forest, bound by
Tress of bourbon and scotch,
Dripping their sweat
Onto my head;
Soaking through my
Cranium, feeding
Ideas and thoughts to
My cerebral cortex

Standing at the entryway…

Peach schnapps
Nourishes the great
Rivers and lakes I
Respectfully call my
Gin permeates the clouds,
Only to release the
Tensions onto this
Forest dwellers liver.
The fog of inebriation
Rules with an iron
Fist just beyond the
Heineken Falls.

Standing at the entryway

Is where my
Eyes are glazed
And visions often
Double team me,
Cornering me.
My legs mere strings.
Much too feeble
To gain the advantage
Over the flattest of soil.
Cirrhosis was born
As my true nemesis
Tracking me down
As its prey

Scraping away in
My miserable attempt
To escape my predator's
Clutches, I decide to
Walk through the entryway

“Hello Welcome to A.A”

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