Wednesday 23 January 2008

Happy Birthday Master by Peter Dornan

The first time I’ve missed your Birthday,
In sixteen years,
I’ll be there in spirit,
So don’t shed tears.

In my grand old years,
I couldn’t run,
But before that John,
we had some fun!

I bet you didn’t know,
That I could write prose,
I love my remembrance corner,
And location you chose.

This year John,
No scratching at the door,
I know you won’t miss,
My constant loud snore?

My problems ‘Down Below’,
It must have made you blush,
You’d rather I was chasing,
That kitchen sweeping brush!

From time to time, I rubbed your legs,
I only meant to pester,
I’ll miss those walks to the shop,
To collect your daily paper!

I was happy and loved,
Fed well, no dregs,
But the old Arthritis,
Attacked my hind legs!

You cared for me when ill,
I was strong, a bit of a Chancer,
But that dreaded day came,
With the onset of cancer!

On this birthday,
I’ll howl and howl, aloud,
A wonderful Master,
You really should be proud!

Have a great day friend,
You really were ‘The Boss’,
Happy Birthday John,
From your loving friend Chaos!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Too Good. Iam impressed :-).
Wishing success for the future. Take Care !!! (Schez)

Peter Donan said...

Thank you Schez - Peter